Isla gray is the mother of Tom clarkson daughter. Tom and Isla have a complicated relationship, They aren't together but they are sleeping together. They broke up just after their daughter summer was born, They knew it was to hard and that they couldn't seem to make it work. Isla knew it broke her heart but she knew it was the best thing for summer and that they were better off apart
But things aren't that simple with them. She and Tom are still sleeping together,r isla knows it is wrong when she can't even get on with tom but she knows that she could never resist him. But things get complicated when isla meets someone else and tries to move out. It brings out toms jealous side but can he admit how much he really loves her or will his jealousy get to much?
Tom Clarkson and Madison Mason are best friends but there is one problem. They are more than that. Tom and Madison are sleeping together behind toms girlfriend davina back. Tom and Madison claim that it means nothing and that it's just sexual but things got complicated when Madison discovers that she's pregnant.
Madison and Tom know that things aren't simple between them and they decide it's best that they raise their baby and co parent but when Tom refused to tell davina the truth of causes tension between them and Madison soon discovers that she had feelings for Tom and that she Doesn't want to stand by and watch as he is with another woman?
can Madison and Tom put things aside for their baby or will they admit how they feel for each other.