Coffee is a bitter drink that you won't find many sweet people liking. But of course, there's always that 2 spoons of sugar to sweeten it.
Vemilva is a 12 Year student in high school. He's pretty, a very sweet person, and has lots of friends.
Marcellius, on the other hand, is almost the complete opposite. No one knows him, he has no friends, and a terrible accident has left him terrified, heart-broken, and very bitter.
Heads-up, the images don't have anything to do with a story, just a nice little aesthetic.
Thomas is a young male fighting for acceptance from his family. However, his family is heavily Christian and it seems they may never accept Thomas for who he really is. He tries and fights for acceptance. However, it seems like the war going on inside him may just take over. Thomas is confused about who he really is until he meets one special individual that changes his life forever.