PART 1 -- The day that she was born everyone was so happy. While she was growing up her life started crumbling down. In the summer of 2008 her daddy died from cancer. She was only 6 years old and had to live this traumatic experience. Then in 1st grade the kids in school started bullying her, but yet she still has never lost her happiness. Every single year the bullying and harassment got worse, and worse. Once 4th grade came the bullying became unbearable. Then the next year became even worse. Everyday was full of suicidal thoughts. Then she finally found a way of taking the emotional pain away. She started cutting. Everyday after school, she would come home and cut, come home and cut. It was an unending cycle of a living hell. The worse the kids treated her, the more she would cut. 5th grade was the worst year of her life. She just wanted the pain to go away. Then she started to think that suicide was the only answer.