Peter is currently 13 years old. He is 4,6 but very fit for his age. Of course this is only because 4 months ago he was bitten by a highly dangerous reactive spider while at a school field trip. The first week after the bite was rather strange for him, he had to get used to the idea of having extra strength, an impeccable hearing, which he used to eavesdrop, a tinglin he got in the back of his skull that would tell him any danger that was going for him, and what side to dodge the hit that was sent to him.
Throughout the second stage, a new superhero was born: he helped everyone, and risked his life even if it was only for a street cat. He became famous within the first days throughout the whole world. Peter enjoyed risking his life for the people of Queen, because if he didn't, who would, The busy police? The supposed 'earth mightiest heroes, who would only come out of their famous tower when they were at the edge of extinction? No they wouldn't, so it was peters job to protect those who he cared for. And that included all of Queens