Roxanne Miller, a 16 year old prostitute, and Dallas Winston, a 17 year old delinquent, meet and unfortunately they're all too perfect for each other. She's serious and demanding. Quite the flirt and doesn't take shit from anyone besides her pimp. She pulls in good money and her customers always keep coming back. Dallas is quite the same. Always seems to not care about anyone or anything, will do anything for the adrenaline rush and man does he get what he wants.
Dallas and Roxy become friends, and before Dallas will allow him to even think about dating her, she needs to get out of the industry. While it's easier said than done, Dally sticks by her nearly every step of the way. The only thing coming between Roxy and her escape from prostitution, is her pimp, her desire for money, and her lack of self control.
Warnings: sex, cursing, name calling, talk of ED, suicide, depression, alcoholism, addiction, drugs, sex work, homelessness, assault/abuse (sexual, emotional & physical)
Madeline Craft. 19. College freshman. Ex-greaser, or so she thought.
When she gets a custody call that her two siblings were seemingly abandoned in their Tulsa home, there's no option: she has to go back. It wasn't ideal, but her little brothers, four-year-old twins Jack and Graham, they needed her more than she needed college. Besides, college would always be there if she could ever go back.
But on a cold day, back at her high school job working at The Dingo, she meets someone that makes anything poor become great.
All rights to SE Hinton besides my additions :)