Like The Don said, "Buy this book, or I'll make you an offer you can't refuse."
"Mobsters, Gangs, Crooks, and Other Creeps - Volume 2- New York City" is not a continuation of "Mobsters, Gangs, Crooks, and Other Creeps - Volume 1- New York City," but rather a complement to Volume I. Volume 2 starts in the time period of the early 1820's, and ends in the mid 1900's.
This is not a book about nice people. This is a book about the lowest forms of life ever to walk the face of the earth: Mafioso, murderers, con artists, prostitutes, base street thugs, crooked politicians; people who do deliciously decadent things to other people, as easily as stepping on a roach . The exception is New York City Detective Joseph Petrosino, who took on the vicious Black Hand, but lost his life in Sicily because he wasn't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer.
"Mobsters, Gangs, Crooks, and Other Creeps - Volume 2- New York City" is not for everyone. But if you enjoy reading about people who are so unaffected about what they do, they can eat a hot roast beef sandwich minutes after slitting some poor guy's throat, this book is definitely for you.
Take a deep breath, fire up your Kindle, and enjoy. There are worse ways to spend $.99.