From high atop the Blading world reign the Blading Legends, a select group of Bladers who set the standard to which all other hopefuls aspire. No challenger yet has succeeded in breaking through their ranks.
A legend among legends, Valt Aoi hosts an exhibition match featuring a revolutionary class of Bey: "Lightning Beys". Inspired by the battle, four unknown brothers and sisters, Hyuga, Hikaru, Hinata, and Hikari Hizashi, issue a challenge: armed with their own Lightning Beys Hippogriff, Hyrus, Hyperion and Helios, this unlikely quadruple is going to topple Beyblade's ruling elite.
As the Hizashi brothers and sisters' challenge envelops the world's Blading legends, a new tournament is born to determine who among them is truly the best. In the middle of this mayhem, there lurks a unique Blader shrouded in mystery.
Will Hikaru, Hinata, Hikari, and Hyuga be the spark that ignites a Blading revolution? With their solar Beys in hand, the brothers and sisters are ready to begin their own legend of growth and adventure.