Hi My Name, is Jaleace Anderson i have a disease as you it's called sickle cell. So when i was born i went home like any other baby. That day when I went home my sister look at me in told my Mother i think something wrong with her.My Mother look at me in tough my stomach in it was hard.Then my mom in dad went to the Hospital in i had to get surgery.In it was hard for them to see that babygirl in pain like that. When the docors came in they saud you child has a disease called Sickelcell.When they hread that new's it broke there hreat's thay didn't me to go though that everyday in take that much meds .But i had to fight some year's pass in i was truing 5.That when that told me i had a disease i was broking to i didn's ask for that in i hate pain i didn't want pain or my parents see me in pain.More years went by i was 11 in i had pain crisis a pain crisis is wehn it first go thogh out arm in goes thogh you back in then your leg's.How i help the pain is take a wram hot bath. IN also i take meds of cousre.In then i drink lot's in lot's of wrater or milk i like both.Then, i get my mom i she make sure ok if she at work i have to get a picture of her so she well be there or get my sister's.In dont forget to sleep ot nap its helping.In i hope you know if you have a disease you can do this ok fight for your loves if that died or are living fight becuase they love you i fight for my family because i love them to so so so so so so muchhhhhh.Hope you get blessing im praying for you.