Hillwood is no ordinary town. Tucked far from bustling cities, it exists as a fragile border between the natural and the supernatural. Its residents are divided into three groups: oblivious humans who live unaware of the shadows around them, those who know the truth and keep it hidden, and the supernatural beings-monsters cloaked in human form, wielding powers drawn from myth and legend.
At its heart lies a school, veiled in mystery, guarding secrets the world isn't ready to uncover. Every resident, knowingly or not, carries a fragment of these secrets, tied to a history born of chaos. When those secrets begin to surface, an ancient force stirs-the Rift, a chaotic anomaly threatening to unravel Hillwood and its delicate balance.
Caught in the centre are Cordelia Chase, bound by an unexplainable connection to the earth, and Kolton Knight, a stormcaller with powers as wild as the skies. As their fates intertwine, they must confront the truth of their pasts and the ancient chaos creeping closer.
This is a tale of mystery, magic, and destiny. This is Hillwood.