My name is Kali. If my calculations are correct I must be 15 year old and I am the daughter of Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange. It is starnge really how everything happened. They had me, they "trained" me in combat using a very good method called torture and then... nothing. I remember it was before the so much called "Hogwarts battle". Tom Riddle came to me and made me sleep, or at least I think I was asleep in the real world, because my mind was awake, though I had no idea what was happening. This happened when I was about 10. When I woke up I was in a diferent house with a man I didn't know. It had passed 10 years since the battle and I was still the same. The same dark curly hair and dark eyes and the same age. At the age of 15 years old Kali is in the Hogwarts express to attend school for the first time of her life. With the promise to give her refuge, Professor McGonagall gave her a new name and a fresh start. But not everything is right. Kali is having nightmares about her male progenitor and seems to be loosing control of herself. Though she seems quite unhappy with her life, she soon meets Jame Sirius, a 15 year old brown hair and eyes teen that seems to have entered her thoughts and opened her heart to new possibilities.All Rights Reserved