Waking up to the sound of your mother cry is not easy, hearing news that shouldn't happen this early or this soon is hard. Losing a sister is painful. Raisa and I might not be the best of friends, we fought a lot and argue constantly, but she's my family and I'm her sister, and I love her. I want to cry out but I can't, I have to endure it, for we have much more pressing matters to attend with, I have to do it silently. But more than that it pains me so much more to see my mother crying and knowing there is nothing I can do to ease her pain. Many people said that Raisa is in a better place right now going to our true home with God, and I agree with that, but it doesn't make it easier. Many people said that stay strong, I know that I should, but how? How does a person stay strong in the midst of this trial? And for Raisa, I used to call you lot of names, but now you are the girl who left to soon. The girl who left many loved ones, the girl who has a lot of dreams, a girl who could have more, the girl who is loved and the girl who will be miss. Farewell sis!! Bon voyage to your travel to what lies beyond