Bhagavan Sri Nithyananda Paramashivam is the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism (SPH) which comprises of 2 billion Hindus and the reigning spiritual emperor (Jagat Guru Mahasannidhanam - JGM) of 17 ancient traditional Hindu kingdoms. The revival of Hinduism through the civilizational nation of Kailasa globally irked vested interests of atheistic terrorist militant elements, caste supremacist terrorists and other anti-Hindu forces who executed a massive persecution and genocide on SPH and His followers on 2 March 2010 that continued for the next whole decade and comprised of over 70 assassination attempts, over 250 sexual assaults on SPH and his monks and disciples, lawfare of 120 false cases over 10 years, massive hate propaganda in electronic media of over 14,000 hours and print media of over 25,000 articles in 5 years, destruction of heritage properties worth over 27 million USD, and the continuing ethnocide and genocide of over 80 million Hindus worldwide since 7 centuries.