Luminous: lu·mi·nous - adj. 1. Emitting light, especially emitting self-generated light. 2. Full of light; illuminated. 3. a. Easily comprehended; clear: luminous prose. b. Enlightened and intelligent; inspiring: luminous ideas. Rose doesn't wake up in the box, she wakes up in a place called the Homestead and is presented with a diary; her diary. She quickly learns that not only did she actually write it, but she had been in the Glade for over three years. Everyone knows who she is, but one accident caused her to lose her memory so she no longer remembers them. . . Disclaimer: Anything that you might have read or seen in The Maze Runner that is in this book belongs to James Dashner and his 'crew'. Although I wish I owned them, I don't. I only own the ones you've most likely never heard of. Copyright © midnightminho {IN EDITING}
15 parts