One day there was a girl named Eva and a girl named Tamara. Tamara. Hey Eva I'm i a good friend??? Eva. Yeah I guess but I would make a better friend with someone else!!! Tamara. That's really rude Eva Eva. Sorry it's true Tamara. I'm done U hurt my feelings Eva. Fine I'm done too Tamara. BYE!!! That day Eva felt super bad about everything. Eva. I kinda fell bad I'm gonna go say sorry That evening Eva went to Tamara's house (doorbell) Eva. Hey Tamara I'm so sorry Tamara. Yeah right Eva I don't believe you! Eva. It's true I'm really guilty I have a gut feeling in my stomach. Tamara. Ok I guess but one more rude comment I'm done with u. Eva. Thank u so much I don't no what I would do with out you. Tamara. Yeah yeah let's go to the mall. Eva. Okay Thank u for reading my story 2 is out I hope I read it