(My poetic description) She wasn't sure when it started. She wasn't sure it'd ever stop. Ahsoka tried not to at first, she knew it was bad, but with nowhere left to turn, she finally gave in and accepted it: She was depressed, and she was cutting. She couldn't stop cutting, tearing away at her skin, and she managed it for far too long, almost too long.
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This is just me wanting more fics about Ahsoka being depressed. idk why, question my mental health if you will. It'll probably end up being a lot like other fics like it, so sorry if it seems really unoriginal.
Trigger warning for subjects like depression, self harm, and eating disorders
A story of two dwarven women, twin sisters, whom are born with a rare ability of using magic. One sister choses to practice Dark Magic, and going into the Dark Arts, while the other goes into White Magic, and briefly became an apprentice of Radagast the Brown. Here marks their adventures, will one sister be able to save the other from fate? Or will she succumb into the Dark Arts, and never reunite with her twin again?
(I had revise this story because I messed upon the time line of the events)