Outdoor public address systems are a systematic project. It needs to cooperate closely with various disciplines such as electronic technology, electroacoustic technology, sound building technology and acoustic art. The sound effect of the public address system is not only related to the comprehensive performance of the electroacoustic system but also closely related to the building acoustics and field tuning of the sound transmission environment. So the final effect of the public address system needs the good cooperation of correct and reasonable design and debugging of the electrical sound system, the good sound transmission conditions and the correct field tuning technology, these three elements complement each other. In the system design, the above problems must be taken into consideration. On the basis of selecting the sound electrical equipment with good performance, through careful system design, careful system debugging and good sound building conditions, the sound and natural sound effects of electroacoustic sound are achieved.
DSPPA is a professional amplifier manufacturers, we provide china amplifier, Anti-Epidemic Materials, PA Amplifier, public address systems design and etc. Want to know more? Please contact us.