He cracked the window, letting in the crisp spring air. It was too dark to see where specifically he was looking, but he had turned to face you. One hand remained on the steering wheel, the other over the back of the seat.
He offered, "Wanna get in the back?"
"Sure," you said, dropping your purse on the floor, and opened your door.
Relevant Tags: High School, Post-High School, 1969, Historical Inaccuracy, Vaginal Fingering, Handjob, Mutual Pining, Military Training, Military Inaccuracies, Colorado Setting, Recreational Drug Use, Magical First Time, Penis In Vagina Sex, Angst with a Happy Ending
Sometimes, there's more than meets the eye. A third person helps point it out.
"Just get ready and open the door. I need your help."
I sat down on the edge of my bed staring at the window. The sky was still dark. Did I want to go? "Nah, I think I'll stay inside."
I heard a sharp intake of breath on the other side. "You serious?"
I laughed. "Yeah, I'm serious. I'm not moving an inch."
Of course, I was lying. I was slipping on my boots when I heard a long sigh. He said, "What do you want if you come help me?"
The photo was taken and cover made by me. :$