Y/N had longed to be a hero since she could understand the difference between good and evil, but when she was thirteen years old, she got news that her seemingly flawless quirk came with some uncommon and quite unappealing side effects. Ever since that day, a day persistent in Y/N's troubled and disoriented mind like an unshakable plague, she was never again the same - The unwavering, unbeatable champion had given up. Lost.
But would she be lost forever?
Although haunted by the very thoughts inside her own head and that which caused them, Y/N continued to pursue her dreams after what she'd thought was the lowest point in her life. She made it to UA, the most prestigious hero school in all of Japan and was on the path to become a hero . . .
Great, right?
Well, yes. But there was one small problem -
In becoming a hero, Y/N was bound to die, her body unable to handle the hazardous quirk she possessed. The real problem with this, however, was not death itself - death was such a plausible thing to Y/N, funny even - but the lasting impact it had on those around her.
Too bad she'd encountered such a haughty, relentless boy at UA . . . Temperamental sewer gremlins tend to be on the clingy side, and clingy didn't mix too well with a walking ticket to grief counseling.
Y/N was going to need a hella of a lot more fanfiction and comic relief in her life if she was going to become a professional hero. Especially if she were to uncover the remedy to her quirk's destruction, one that lied beneath a predicament of deep family secrets and sweet lies -
That is, if she even lived that long.
Author's note: this is crossposted on ao3