[Cells at Work! BLACK] "In the depths of your heart a small desire begins to make its way. You would like to start a dialogue with that voice that seems friendly from the tone, looking for a sentence, or even just a single word, that could give you more relief. Almost broken by emotion, that voice - coming from a person you know well - manages to take your hand, that hand dripping with blood because of the violent blows you have just inflicted, without ever letting go. Everything around you is still black, but this place doesn't seem as suffocating as before. When that voice starts to speak again, you listen to it carefully, without blinking an eye and hoping that it will give you the help you were actually unconsciously looking for." Even in the gloomiest darkness, when all seems lost, a voice comes to brighten a soul shattered by the tragic events of life. [Chapter 8 of the manga | Episode 11 of anime] [AA2153 centric]All Rights Reserved
1 part