This book is literally the product of one that is broke, bored and simply pressured by their family to succeed and live a life for them, society and the community. High standards have been created all for the purpose of fitting in rather then living a true, honest life. Great expectations have been instilled in their world since birth, there is no means of escape. Broken to pieces there is no form of hope near sight. Only darkness prevails in this. Do you relate? Do your emotions and words go unexpressed, held captive in a place where there is no better tomorrow? Constantly living in fear of being disposed of? Scarring your body, creating gruesome art on it, making it more and more hollow as your feelings flow through them? Asking yourself whether or not suicide is you being selfish or not? Made to feel guilty for opposing their views? Raised to follow rather then to lead?
Your only taste of true freedom is in your sleep. Your whole existence is a shame and a mistake. You have created a facade of Being A Clown, Making Everybody Laugh as a type of coping mechanism. Staying in your room in the dark, listening to music, staying up until late on your own is the only joy you ever have . I/YOU/WE SHALL FIND ETERNAL REST AND PEACE OF SOUL, HEART, MIND AND DESTROY ALL THAT IS TOXIC IN EXISTENCE, EVEN IF THE THAT TOXIC ENTITY IS YOUR MALFORMED PUBLIC IDENTITY.
NOTE TO READER: The art used is not mine, please do give credit to the creators and tag their socials if you can.