~Stellaluna along with her 3 siblings and classmates are walking around the museum with a tour guide. She was wearing a spectacles and earphones on her ears. They all stop infront of an old box with jewelries in it. A ring caught Stellaluna's attention. She study the ring feeling familiar. The tour guide said. Tour guide: This is King Gabriel or Gabby's expensive ring. A beautiful gold ring and a shining diamond ring. Stellaluna's head shot up when she heard the king's name. She know it felt familiar. All her classmate look at Gabby then smirk at him. Gabby just look down. The tour guide continue on. Tour guide: This ring isn't exactly belong to the king. It belongs to his one and only queen. Queen Stellaluna. The ring symbolize their undefeated love. It was also told that the king Gabby and queen Beatrix that they made promise to each other that even if they are already dead or became someone else in another life, but once they meet each other again, they will fall in love again like before. They were inseparate. All the attention went on Stellaluna then Gabby then Stellaluna again. Beatrix and Gabby notice their classmate looking at them with a smirk. Stellaluna shook her head and tried to deny the everything her siblings and friends said. Stellaluna: It might be a coincidence that my name is the same as the queen. And you don't give me that look.~All Rights Reserved