Plot: The game follows the adventures of Ken and Lila, two young friends who love to play video games. One day, they receive a mysterious invitation to visit a new playhouse that promises to be the ultimate gaming experience. However, when they arrive, they discover that the playhouse is actually a trap set by Specter, the evil leader of the monkeys who has escaped from the zoo and stolen a helmet that enhances his intelligence. Specter has also kidnapped the Professor and Natalie, the creators of the original Ape Escape games, and forced them to design a playhouse full of monkeys and challenges. Ken and Lila must use their skills and gadgets to explore the playhouse, catch the monkeys, rescue their friends, and stop Specter's plans.
Characters: Ken is a brave and energetic boy who loves action and adventure. He is always ready to face any challenge and enjoys using his gadgets to catch the monkeys. He wears a blue cap, a red jacket, jeans, and sneakers. He is voiced by Kumiko Higa in Japanese, Erica Schroeder in English, Alexandre Nguyen in French, Manuel Straube in German, and David Robles in Spanish.
Lila is an optimistic and cheerful girl who loves puzzles and art. She is very curious and likes to learn new things. She uses her gadgets to explore the playhouse and find clues. She wears a pink headband, a purple sweater, a skirt, and boots. She is voiced by Rie Kugimiya in Japanese, Xanthe Huynh in English, Marie Nonnenmacher in French, Shandra Schadt in German, and Ana Esther Alborg in Spanish.
Luke has been in love with his best friend, Taylor, for too long now and it's getting difficult to be around him. He knows it's time to move on and find someone who can make him happy, but he feels like that will never happen, not with the way Taylor has his heart...
Being in love with your best friend is hard. Luke Peterson knows this better than anyone else, as he's agonized over his feelings for Taylor Schofield for the past five years. So when he meets the handsome and confident Will Carson who wants to help him get over Taylor, it seems like the perfect chance for him to move on. But can Luke truly give Will a chance? Or will his heart always belong to his best friend?
Content and trigger warning: This story contains descriptions of suicide and homophobia.
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Cover designed by Holly Thurston