George, a student just finishing up his freshman year, came across someone new that started coming to his high school, he never knew it would impact his life so much to the point that he became his everything. He thought he would never find someone better after he lost him again. It becomes painful when you loose someone, you know that you'll never feel the same thing that you did when they were with you. the worst part is, it was all your fault. and you knew it, but there gone forever, you can't change that and have to unfortunately learn to live with that. No matter how much you miss them, they'll always be in your memories and what they said will stick with you. No matter how much you suffer without them. Now your just strangers with memories... right? - I'm bored af so here we go💀 to sophie the one person I'll cherish the most. thank you for dealing with an annoying person like me in our relationship and standing up for me when I couldn't even do that to myself. Overall, thank you for being the one person who understood me no matter what, I'm glad our breakup wasn't toxic, all though I'll always miss you.❤️ -addi/sophia Contact me! Discord - samm.2006Todos los derechos reservados
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