The story follows the adventures of a girl in a dull, forgotten world. As a child, she journeyed this world with her friends at her side. That is, until the move.
She is a strange one. She sees events that happen. She sees events that don't happen. She sees events that do happen, but in different ways. With no clue as to where or why she got this ability, she struggles to keep it under lock before she is caught and sent away for "treatment" as some had called it.
Thankfully, she has friends that can help her through her fears. Friends that understand her. Friends that are like her. They would never leave her... right?
After years of silence, she is suddenly thrust back into the world of Seeing only to receive the call back to the forgotten world. What does it have in store for her this time?
Follow the adventures of...
Alice, the girl who Sees
Eustass, a runaway who rules over Devils
Mark, the boy who speaks to Remnants
Sasha, the reality-altering Witch
and Fran, a girl with a knack for manipulation
DISCLAIMERS : There is likely to be profanity, mildly referenced drug abuse, addiction, and death. If this isn't your cup of tea, then I wouldn't recommend reading it.
In addition, this is my first "serious" take on writing and will be subject to changes. This exists mostly as experimentation and for constructive criticism. There will be faults. If you have any suggestions, then I'd be more than happy to read them.
So... without further ado,