"hey have you heard of the rumors about this myth,the legend has it, that if you go to the abandoned art club room you will hear someone chanting, help...me...help...me...help....me over and over again, no one knows how it happened and that's what we are gonna find out, so who up to make friends with this ghost"
everyone look at him like he was crazy
"yeah right"
they all said,
so he pack his things and walk towards the art club as he got closer and closer to it, he could hear the voice but it wasn't saying help me over and over again no
and as the boy look up, he saw a girl, and she said
"hey it's been a long time yuu"
she was friendly,
she was kind,
she was loveable,
she was nice,
she had a temper,
but she wasn't mean,
no, she was just misunderstood,
"hey there coconut, how you been"
and...I know her form the news...
she wasn't a myth..
she someone that died...
11 years ago.
someone that I haven't seen in a very long time,
and when I heard her say coconut..I new...
"hey... Broski's I been fine,....we miss you"
𝐕𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐚𝐣𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢 𝐗 𝐉𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐯𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐝𝐚𝐧.
In a world that screams, I stand in despair,
My voice drowned out, lost in the air.
Chains of tradition tighten each day,
I long to escape, but I'm forced to stay.
Each breath I take feels heavy and torn,
Every mistake a scar I've worn.
I crave a sky where I can be free,
Away from the walls that imprison me.
For now, I sit with my heart in pain,
Silent, yet screaming, again and again.
Though shattered, a spark in me still survives,
Dreaming of freedom where my soul can rise.