Running plays a central role in my story: it was a determining factor along my road to recovery.
The sport is at once a tool that I can talk about and thereby pass on to others what I believe about sickness, healing, and health. Running played a great role in letting me come out on the other side of all that has happened. Because running is an activity that allows you to "die and be resurrected" every day.
I feel that with every run, I am giving thanks that I have the privilege of being healthy again. It is just as wonderful to run along the fields of a small town where nobody sees me, nobody is cheering me on as they do at the popular Budapest half-marathon events where there are thousands of people. If I run the half-marathon in three hours, I would be just as happy as if I had done it in an hour and a half. This is not only about running. Running itself is not primarily about physical activity but rather about challenging ourselves in the most critical of situations when truth be told, we'd rather quit. Upon reading a scientific article, I was able to gain insight into what happens in the body when we become completely absorbed in an activity and we often do it just for its rewarding nature in and of itself. This is the feeling I am in search of when running. In my opinion, we are much better able to appreciate our health, the wondrous function of our body, and life itself if we know the complicated and amazing processes happening in the background of a given action, whether it's exercise, sports, running, or meditation, religious worship, playing music, making art, and so on.