Long time ago there was curse brought upon a babe it could only be a girl the girl would have beauty inmageable and fair skin like no other but she had to be locked up in a tower away Humanity cruel fate so everday day by the hour she would sit alone and sighing and waiting for her one true love her knight that would save her form this wicked tower of loneiless and saddness but her parents thought it would be best to keep her away for society to keep her away form lustful man touch upon her fair milky skin the roses were her only friensds at that time then one fateful Full moon a werewolf was prawling it's away then he came arcoss a gorgeous rose he never met but felled it loved with the girl looked down upon this sorrowful lonley werewolf she picked a rose for him she smiled then at midday he came to the tower and climb up he would kissed her milky body with lips of love they both ate eaten the foribben fruit but they didn't care all they need their love for each other at midnight when the moon is not full he would sleep with her again kissing her milky body but it was the full moon Rose let a dew drop fall from her eyes knowing that her love was in pain she was not their to comfort him he would guard the tower so no one would dare harm his flower of love then the snake come up in the stairs and stab her in the back she letted out a painful mournful cry werewolf jump in the window to find is love bleeding and dying with her blooded hand she cupped his face and drewed a loving kiss then her hand felled with slient thud the werewolf howled in pain and mourn then he died form a broken hair and ever staying by her side then curse founded a new host from a family The Potters and Remus lupin the werewolf desinted to fall for the rose and last but not least the Rose Bride is not other than Rosalind Lilian Potter will the story end sadly like it did before or will the lovers marry and finally be at peace?All Rights Reserved