Hey there, my name is Melody Rasbel but you can call me Mel. Today, I'll be sharing my story of how I met my 'New Family'. My 'New Family' are called "Divines Magia". A guild of reformed criminals but also normal mages. How did I become a guildmember of Divines Magia? Well, I was abandoned when I was little. To be specific, my family was killed. They were killed while we were going back home from going to dinner. After they died, I began to steal from people food, clothes, and money. I got used to stealing that I started robbing banks and such. A family found me and they took me in. They raised me as their own but I still kept stealing to help them out. Only my sister, Rosaline, knew about it. Twenty years later, I bumped into a kid. They looked like a kid at first but when I kept staring at them, they looked like a Plant?