Foster "Fox" Reid is an 18-year-old high school student trapped in their home with their (very transphobic) parents by a particularly nasty snowstorm. It is a rather uneventful day, spent mostly trying to kill time and wait for the mountains of snow to melt. Despite it being such a normal day, January 17, 2021, Fox, mysteriously waking up in their bedroom in a cold sweat, would have this date burned into their memory forever.
Darri "Lou" M'Lylou is a recently inducted member of the Bosain empire. Or... he was. Lou, during one of his recent missions, has taken a liking to one of the humans he and his crewmates have captured. He still isn't sure how exactly he managed to pull it off, but he is now staying on Earth while the others have already taken off in search of other alien species to study (and kill, and, well, eventually take over their entire planet). Lou has always felt out of place among his own species, unable to complete the tasks that came so naturally to them, and now he is living, hiding in this human's house, being forced to choose between his loyalty to his empire and his own morality.