sadness makes you wanna rip up your heart and throw it somewhere where no one can find it. Sadness makes you be in your deepest thoughts, and sadness makes you forget who you really are. Sadness makes everyone around dumb, cause they don't know really how you feel. Sadness makes us all confused and miserable, but mostly, sadness makes us feel alone.
this feeling you can't control, anger makes you get that horrible feeling, where you feel disgusted. Anger makes you sad, anger makes you unhappy, and mostly, anger makes you say stuff and do stuff that you honestly didn't mean.
you smile, you are happy for once, and this feeling is like thousands butterflies in your stomach, this feeling makes everything in this world less suck. But one thing that is not good about happiness, is that happiness only last for a minute, and it's always someone that takes your happiness away.
you can't control it. Fear makes you wanna not get in touch with the real word, fear makes you not wanna face the world, fear holds you back from chasing your dream. But the worst about fear, it's that no one understands how fast your heart is beating, or how it hurts so bad. Fear it's bad, but the thing about fear, it's that fear is a thing that is scared of something, but i'm not scared to take chances, even tough fear holds me back.
you don't know what's going on, you don't know who you are or what your doing with your life. Everything seems pointless, but what's bad about being confused, it's that you don't get why the things go as they go, you don't understand. The worst thing in life is to not understand a situation that you are going trough, it's scary.
why does falling in love really hurt?? like, i just love! why does it make me so hurt. and then, i realized...
love arrives like a storm
tearing down walls
i didn't know were there
exposing the raw
nerve endings
of my heart
it hurts
because feeling
is terrifying
but the ache
is also the proof
that i am alive