In a world shrouded in darkness and danger, a young girl named Ava Manikova finds herself at the mercy of a nefarious criminal group led by a man named Carnell. Kidnapped by a group of men under Carnell's command, Ava is forced into a life of servitude, compelled to work under Carnell's name to secure her safety and compliance. As Ava navigates the treacherous landscape of her captors' world, an unexpected turn of events alters the course of her fate. Among the men who hold her captive is a mysterious and enigmatic figure named Harry. Despite his association with the criminal group and the circumstances that brought them together, Ava cannot deny the inexplicable pull she feels towards him. The lines between captor and captive blur as their emotions entwine, and Ava finds herself falling in love with the very person responsible for her captivity. Faced with the imminent danger of Carnell's intentions, Ava finds herself making a perilous deal with the devil. In a desperate bid to protect not only herself but Harry, she strikes an agreement with Carnell, promising her unwavering compliance in exchange for his safety. However, Carnell issues a chilling warning to Harry, threatening to end both their lives if he dares to develop any emotional attachment to Ava beyond their professional facade. As the stakes grow higher and the dangers loom larger, Ava and Harry realize that their only hope for a future together lies in escaping Carnell's clutches. Fuelled by their love and armed with newfound determination, they embark on a treacherous journey, racing against time to evade Carnell's relentless pursuit.