A young maiden with a bizarre name and outward form, Character Quiadstein, leads a fairly prosperous life. Living with two parents of extreme high standing, she finds an escape from the unrelenting shadows of her mother and father in the vast realm of anime and manga. Having just about more than enough of society's searing pressure to take after her acclaimed parents, she openly manifested her interest for cross-dressing, which marred and soiled her family's prestige.in the wake of a brutal exchange of words between her and her parents, a wish was made. The sky fell upon her, and her eyes closed. She opened them only to marvel at what she laid her eyes on. “Alright, Roger.” L began. “Escort Character to her room. You’ll receive your clothes shortly. Other preliminary measures and preparations will be taken for your stay in Wammy’s House. Lastly, the alias assigned to you, shall be(read on to find out). Yes, that would do nicely.” She could only marvel at the forthcoming happenings.