In a world where aspiring gangsters undergo rigorous training in two elite departments, nine girls dream of joining the Heiress department, one of the most renowned in the Philippines. However, only four of them complete the training, embodying the belief that everything happens for a reason.
Their journey intersects with the Zbreakers, trained by a rival department. Despite both groups being trained in Japan, their paths never cross due to their different schedules-until they both relocate to the Philippines.
What will happen when the Monsta Queen transfers to a school where the Zbreakers also move? Will their true identities be revealed, or can they maintain their secrets? Will there be conflict or friendship between the two gangs?
As they embark on a mission to uncover missing pieces of a puzzle in their journey, the stakes are high. Will they succeed, or will their enemies prevail? Discover the fate of these two gangs and the twists of their intertwined destinies.
Date started: May 18 2021
Date ended: March 2, 2022
Date Revised: March 5, 2022
cover by: @jiyoungmochi
"I'm the nerd type of student on our school, the one who doesn't have any friends, the loner one.
I love spending time in the library and of course in my own house.
But my life changed, the moment that I met her.
The moment that I fell inlove with a gangster."