CHAPTER 1 I remember it when I was a little kit. Everycat thought I was useless but I'm not I'm a very special cat I'm like no other cat I have beautiful black wings and a blue star on my head. I got my star from my mom,Bluestar but my wings I don't know where I got those from. CHAPTER 2 My mom and dad was dead all I have is my mom's sister Snowkit. My mom went jumping off a Clift in a river. My dad well he died from a avalanche. I'm the only one who is different. CHAPTER 3 I finally become a apperintece I just wish my mom and dad were here to see it. Still it's me and Snowpaw. I'm glad she's still with me. THE FINAL CHAPTER Well. My leader died and everyone looked to me. So now I'm leader. Leader of Ashclan.All Rights Reserved
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