In the heart of the secluded Mici village lies an extraordinary tale of courage and hope, centered around a young girl who defied all barriers to lead her people towards a brighter future. In this captivating narrative, a village shrouded in an impenetrable fog becomes both a sanctuary and a prison, with its inhabitants unable to venture beyond its borders under the threat of divine retribution.
Amidst this enigmatic backdrop, our protagonist emerges as a beacon of hope and inspiration. Born and raised within the confines of the village, she dares to dream beyond the fog, seeking answers and liberation for her people. Her unyielding spirit becomes a driving force to change the course of destiny for every man and woman trapped in this cloistered existence.
The pages of this book take readers on an enthralling journey of empowerment, passion, and love. As the young girl faces an array of hardships and adversities, she discovers her inner strength and determination, and these qualities ripple through the lives of her fellow villagers. The narrative unfolds against the backdrop of war and hardship, as the girl's pursuit of truth and freedom challenges the very foundations of her society.
Throughout the pages, readers witness the transformation of not just one individual but an entire community, awakened by the flames of hope ignited by our fearless heroine. Her relentless drive to break free from the confines of tradition, guided by an unwavering love for her people, sets the stage for a gripping tale of resilience and courage.
In this tale of triumph over adversity, the barriers of tradition and fear crumble before the force of human spirit, leaving a profound impact on the lives of all who bear witness. This is a story that captures the essence of human resilience and the power of love to bridge the gaps between darkness and light, shaping a new chapter for the Mici village and leaving readers inspired by the boundless potential of the human heart.
The story revolves around 3 independent fearless womens living together in Mumbai for their dream job...
Bella Singhania , an Associate director in a well known production house.... Sania Roy , who is an aspiring singer..... and Meera Malhotra , an intern in Fashion designing....
Bella , Sania & Meera who are sisters by heart... have always fought for themselves... but they were always together... in every ups and downs, in every happy & sad phase of life.....
Mahir Sehgal, an aspiring singer and youth sensation.....Ansh Khanna , owner of AK tele Productions... .. and Krish Goyal a well known Model....
One of them is battling to live his dream life while two of them are leading a successful life .. They are ruling the hearts of people but still searching for the queens who would rule their heart..
The boys are in search for the love of their lives, while the girls are only focused about their careers...
What happens when the three fearless, independent womens meets the three most eligible and most desirable mens ...?
It'll be interesting to see how they face the challenges while trying to elevate their careers, including their love lives, responsibilities and for most their forever friendship...
They are DESTINED TOGETHER ..... But life isn't that simple like it looks.. what's BOUND TO BE will happen.... but whatever the situations might be... they'll always be
Hello lovely people!
I'm back with my new story... as I've recieved alot of love from u all in my FS "Bound To Be" so I decided to start a new book where we will see the love story of ofcourse #Behir but this time our very own frm Bound To Be #Sansh & #Meerish too...
Hope u all will come along with me to witness the most unique love story of this 3bbeautiful couples..
This story is not only about love, it's about friendship, sisterhood and the connection of hearts.
Do join the journey of "CONNECTED BY HEARTS"
love love ❤️
Started: Aug'19 2021.
Ended: Sept'22