(Please read till the bottom for Trigger Warnings). I had this idea randomly come to me. What if Aperture did all their science testing and attempting to sell products but on the side they would make robots for people. With that I mean like caretaker robots and robots to help people perform certain jobs stuff like that. What if Wheatley happened to be made as a caretaker robot but was deemed defective for his yknow lack of some smartness in his actions and was deactivated and thrown out in the dumpster with Aperture assuming nothing more would come of it seeing as Wheatley was deactivated. Now assuming all these things now add an adventurous curious smart teen who like snooping where she shouldn't. That's where my Oc comes in and has a past of dumpster diving in Aperture's dumpster looking for cool science stuff and robot parts. She's a science wiz and loves building and coding robots. She happens to find Wheatley and can't figure out why they would throw away what looks to her a perfectly good robot. She decides to take it home with her. ⚠Trigger Warnings: 1. Talks of issues such as Depression, Suicidal thoughts and actions, PTSD (from various things), Self hatred, Possible Self Harm, Bi-Polar disorder, Mental breakdowns etc etc.. 2. Past experience of sexual assault (being one of the PTSD problems) 3. Possible extreme violence 4. Possible yandere extremely obsessive characters ⚠ If youre experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts please don't read this. If you need someone to talk to my pms are always open please don't be shy you won't be a burden on me nor are your feelings irrelevant. If any of the listed issues like sexual assault in a past or the suicidal thoughts or actions or the mental issues and violence bother you in anyway then please don't read this. I don't want to upset anyone with any form of issues. This is only a story and I myself am fine I'm not suicidal in anyway so don't worry this isn't a based on me thing it's a just for fun stAll Rights Reserved