Wolfstar Harry Potter Coffee Shop AU!
Remus Lupin had never been one to have friends, let alone close ones, for all his life. Tending to stick to himself and his books, he had gone through school and some of college feeling perfectly content with how he chose to live his life. Sure, he was lonely, and an angsty kid at heart, but friends are overrated, who needs them? He was pretty pessimistic about people, anyway. He couldn't trust anyone, and everyone seemed too easy to read, to predict. Working at the local coffee shop within a bookstore gave him enough socialization as is, anyway.
All was well and content in his life until he meets the young, ruggedly handsome Sirius Black, who throws him in for a loop.
(Story is on AO3! username is veritasempra :) )
(Cover art by @gibbarts on Tumblr)