The Hound project was an experiment in utilizing genetically modified humans as highly trained, highly emotionless, killing machines during war. Only to be used as a backup plan when operations were failing and the loss of life was expected to be catastrophic...without intervention. Hound #3170, aka Ares, is an 18 year old boy from Egyptian descent. He was born and raised in military custody and raised like an animal taught to obey strict rules and conduct. However, on his first mission the boy loses control and unleashes all of his potential on the enemy group, slaughtering hundreds...including innocent citizens. Put on trial and deemed unfit for the job, to evade execution, he is taken in by Levi Armani, an ex special ops soldier who's slowly but surly developing a soft spot for the dog-like boy as he learns to exist as a human and not a living weapon...while even learning what love is along the way.
33 parts