This story revolves around a simple question and aims to answer the following, "who do you look up to?" Please take some time to reflect on your own response.
Initially, my own response surprised me but also reinforced something I forgot I always knew.
Being strong, smart, or fierce does not mean you wake up every day ready to tackle the world. Sometimes it means talking through your struggles rather than your wins to empower those around you. To help them understand that the path to happiness and success is not a steady climb. Sometimes our most important accomplishment can be the growth that takes place within ourselves.
This short story is about my older sister, whom I love very very much. I know she is going through a tough time right now, but seeing her courage gives me the strength I need to get through my day. She may not have it together, but she is the strongest woman I know and she empowers me every day.
I hope others can read this excerpt and know that they too can make the changes they need in their lives if they just have the courage to grow.