In an instant he had forced my face upwards to meet her gaze and she placed her glass down on the small round table beside her throne. Then rose up from her throne almost as if she were dancing from her gracefulness. She almost floated towards me and her hand came below my chin forcing it up to her. A sharp smile came across those lips," do you know what your name means Farren? Wanderer. Now wanderer..." she paused emphasising wanderer like a curse almost," do you know what my name means? Actually I doubt you can even read or are even educated enough to understand it." "Rohana means one who travels a higher path." I retorted out and suddenly a soft hand wrapped around my throat lifting me above the ground quickly. "It is quite improper to speak to me. You are no one don't ever forget that." Her fingers of her free hand which is suddenly her long slender fingers stroked down the right side of my face," I have a goal in life and you as your name suggests are nothing..."