We all have a dream. Something which we cherish and work for. Something which we are proud of and something which we hope to and work to achieve. Then enter people! I mean really! Life is hard enough without having people come along to make it harder! If you are like most people then you must have wondered why you meet certain people. Some people come into your life, help you do or achieve something and then disappear in the same magical way in which they appeared! And others come into your life at the right time with the right skills and never leave. Then there are those whom you wish would just magically disappear because they only seem to bring destruction with them but with whom without you would never have been able to do or achieve something. Well, guess what! All of the people, no matter how bizarre the meeting or interactions might be, have an important role to play in your life and your successes. I was at a time in my life where I questioned the presence and exist of people in my life when God spoke to me through the movie Finding Nemo. God showed me why some people stay and why some people go and it is my duty to share these truths with you! In this book you will discover the different friends and foes you will meet on your journey to realising your dream as well as the role they have to play in turning your dreams into a reality! Willie Trytsman holds a cum laude honours degree in psychology. He was in private practice for four years before he joined the education sector after he was part of a European Union and Erasmus + youth development project. Willie is the founder and managing director of The Institute for Educational Intervention where he develops programmes, workshops and toolkits to help children and adults function optimally. Willie is also a published author, co-authoring a number of academic books focusing on early childhood development.All Rights Reserved