*Rough draft of my 12 year old story writing(Exactly the same word for word)* --- The time being bought is ought to last. The veil to a great lie forecast. For light to kiss the dark, It reveals the truth that seems to be a spark. The spark thar bears deaths. Deaths that bears new life breaths. --- A journey at a road to endless. Getting quite careless, Finding one's self as the great heiress. The revelation may bring joy to light But also brings it darkness. --- The absence of light, makes worse to worst. The change of wind's course Changes the destination of the journey. Seven will fall, one will rise. The hidden always comes uprise. Even the greatest one reveals. These cannot hold back those who conceals. Concealing is not where or how it ends. They were the best of friends But for as long as they still don't know they were supposed to be enemies. The truth shall do its damage. --- All will fall into place. Light comes back to its pace. There is an endless as long as you wish. Like the light and dark didn't perish.All Rights Reserved