Hande Erçel, a beloved and world-famous actress, finds herself at a career crossroads when two once-in-a-lifetime projects land on her desk. One is with an actor she's worked with before-a trusted collaborator who knows her quirks and strengths like the back of his hand.
It's a safe choice, a guaranteed success.
The other is with a rising star, Kerem Bürsin, a name that's everywhere but a face she's never met in person.
His reputation precedes him: charming, unpredictable, and magnetic on-screen. As whispers of his raw talent reach her ears, curiosity takes hold.
As Hande steps into rehearsals, her decision is tested in ways she never anticipated. The unknown partner sparks an unexplainable connection, a magnetic pull that spills off-camera, challenging everything she thought she wanted.
Torn between the safety of familiarity and the thrill of a life-changing connection, Hande must make a choice: stick to the path she's always known or embrace the uncharted and risk everything.
Will she follow her head or her heart? 💓
"String of fate" is a journey of self-discovery, passion, and the unpredictable twists of love.