In the Isles of Ice, one kingdom reigns supreme and controls much of the archipelago. That kingdom is named Kingston. Constantly fighting with a neighboring island nation, Clamerates, the superkingdom falls under the control of a mysterious dark force one day.
In a cove full of pirates, a young girl pleads a daring rapscallion to return her to her homeland after receiving information that led her to believe that her home was in danger.
A young pirate agrees to take her and they sail into the frozen ocean. That night, a shadowy figure attacks the ship and tries to take out the girl. The pirate and the girl barely escape with their lives.
Who attacked them? How will they get the girl home? What mysterious force is controlling the island of Kingston? Find out when you read this daring adventure into the isle of ice.
Life changes quicker than you think. No one wouldn't think the most powerful spirit is imperfect. Your goal and your purpose merge. Fate has something in store for everyone. What does she have in store for you?