I heard my little lamb bleat, and then the woman stopped. For about half a second there was no sound at all. None of the animals made a noise, I couldn't even hear the sound of the town outside or the rustle of the wind. It was deathly quiet.
Then I heard a baby cry.
It was such a beautiful cry and it made something inside of me snap. All the emotions I had gotten so skilled at keeping locked up came pouring out of me in torrents. I couldn't control the tears that streamed down my face and before long I was gasping for breath. I knew I had better stop crying or the man and woman would hear me but I couldn't and I didn't want to. It felt so wonderful to have all the weight released from me that I let myself cry and in place of all the icky emotions that had been weighing me down, I was filled with joy. I didn't know where the joy was coming from, but it was one of the most wonderful things I had ever felt in my life.
The birth of Jesus viewed through the eyes of an orphaned boy.