This Story takes place in 1945 during final days of WW2. Focusing on Yamato and it's demise during Operation: Ten Go, tells a tale about sailors aboard the doomed ship. Back from 1945 to 1937-1941 the story takes place behind the construction and its commissioning of Japanese battleship Yamato. New recruits from Night Raid, Jaegers, Class 1A & League of Villains, which they traveled back in time They will find out about the mystery about construction, a one way mission and the final days of Yamato.
Based on a True Events & Based on a Manga.
Starring: Tatsumi, Akame, Lubbock, Najenda, Esdeath, Izuku Midoriya, Ochako Uraraka, Kamio Uraraka, Himiko Toga, Isoroku Yamamoto. Uchida, Katsumi Kamio, Karaki, Nishi, Seiichi Itō, Aruga Kōsaku, Suzu, Shusaku
Historical/Setting: Pacific War
Inspired: Valiant Hearts game, In a story about love, survival, sacrifice and friendship.
Akame Ga Kill owned by White Fox Animation, My Hero Academia owned by Bones Animation. The Great War of Archimedes owned by Toho.Co
In a world torn apart by war and corruption, Minatiro Kurogami, the last survivor of his clan, seeks vengeance against Akame-the assassin who wiped out his entire family while serving the Empire. His mission to eliminate her leads him into a dark and dangerous path, where loyalties blur and justice becomes a matter of perspective.
As Minatiro battles the deadly members of Night Raid and navigates the treacherous politics of the Empire, his thirst for revenge collides with unexpected emotions. When he crosses paths with Esdeath, the infamous and ruthless general of the Empire, the unthinkable happens. In the midst of bloodshed and betrayal, Minatiro finds himself falling for the very embodiment of everything he once swore to destroy. Will he achieve the revenge he's longed for, or will love change his destiny forever?