|In a world in which is blinded by their own greedy desires, obsessed over the power that the human race have been gifted with, there are few who truly understand true, and utter sorrow.|
Izuku Midoriya is a young and compassionate boy, who, despite all odds, is most likely the nicest boy you'd ever come across. Unfortunately, the society of which he was born in simply judges from why they see; a frail, quirkless boy who has no use. What they didn't know, is that only in true despair, does courage shine.
( Heeey~ Author-Chan here! Just letting you know in case you haven't noticed, this is an au where izuku midoriya is born with a quirk, he just doesn't know until much later on in his life. Meaning he still gets bullied, shunned, all that jazz. Because this isn't canon, some plot aspects will be altered for uuuh r e a s o n s. I most likely will involve a ship, I'll leave that part up to you. This is my first fanfic, so p l e a s e read with an open mind and pardon some mistakes I most likely will make. Kk, that's all! Enjoyyyy~)