77 parts Complete MatureIn a world taken over by the ruthless Invicta Beings, there is no place for humans, yet the remnants of the survivors continue to fight to regain a normal life. It only took one night for a group of friends to be brutally separated. Now they must cope alone in a world that has long since ceased to be safe for them.
Fairlight, kidnapped by one of the Beings, must hide her true identity, because when they find out who she really is, she could face something far worse than death. She has no chance of escaping from a city surrounded by a thick impregnable wall. Time is running out and she feels a powerlessness she cannot bear. Her only chance for escape is Darksen - the Prince of Invicta, whose words have an unparalleled power. Ever since he met Fairlight, he knows he has to do something completely against Invicta's nature. He faces choices that could be fatal to his life, but the decisions he must make are necessary for a breakthrough to finally occur and for the world to have any chance of being saved.
Ritael survived death. Terrified and confused, she flees across the Arizona desert, it seems, from herself, until she comes across an arrogant stranger. The golden-eyed man tells her about the people from Aeterna that they are. They found themselves on Earth just after the Land of Eternal Life burned down, and the ruins covered with a thick layer of ash are no longer habitable. They are immortal, but there is a catch to eternal life...
It hasn't been long since Harlyn, as the only one, returned to Florence, and the camp is already preparing to evacuate. The two boys he found in the hut warn them all about the increased attacks of the Beings. The camps decide to join forces and flee to Sedona, where the canyon by the river is home to the most guarded hideout, built by the only Invicta Being allied with humans - Raysun.
There is much more hidden in the past of each of them than they realize, and the discovery of the forgotten could change the fate of the world.