Victoire Weasley lives in a world shattered by war and mistrust, it all changes when on her first day of school she meets muggleborn Daisy Carter, Victoire finds a new world, learning of the muggle world is fascinating and definitely cheers her up.
One summer, while spending time with Daisy, she finds herself caught on video while performing magic, she was surely getting punished by the ministry, they hoped the incident would be percieved as a hoax as most incidents of the kind were, but Victoire's act led her to become a viral internet sensation, attracting a lot of attention, and investigation on who she is and where she came from.
All Daisy wanted was too fit in, to feel at home somewhere, but she was too weird for her peers at primary, and when she found out she was a witch she just felt too normal amongst magical people, torn between two worlds, an accident involving both leaves her hanging
Victoire and Daisy forced to work with the ministry to shut down suspicions and take the video offline, but perhaps it's time for the secret to finally end.