Did you know that there is a multiverse [RESET] and it exist? Well they do. Error has all his memories of all the [RESET], The others as well as the out code didn't have their memories. Now what if the last [RESET] glitch and that Error didn't have said memories of the last [RESET]? what if the other sanses as well as the outcodes got their memories of the previous [RESET]? What if this is the real reason of Error Insanity? What if something at large is at work? FIND OUT! *NOTE: The Multiverse Automatically [RESET] when the balance becomes unstable. *NOTE: Error Is the Oldest in the multiverse. *NOTE: After the First Multiverse [RESET] Error figured out is because of the balance. *NOTE: Error is Force to Destroy for said balance, as he figured their is no counterpart of creation *NOTE: In the Anti-Void They call Error Ancient One Or Erry *NOTE: Error is one of the smartest sans before the start of the multiverse [RESET] and that he is well verse in Coding and Inventing before the multiverse [RESET] *The Multiverse [RESET]: 332x ヾ(•ω•')o Y O U C A N ' T S T O P M E F O R I C A N C O N T R O L Y O U . . . JK! (●'◡'●)All Rights Reserved